Honolulu Brand Optimization Specialists: Maximizing the ROI of PPC Ads

Are you looking to generate instant traffic for your website? If so, you may want to explore the possibilities of adding Pay-per-Click (PPC) advertising to your overall brand marketing strategy in Honolulu. These nifty online ads automatically redirect web users to your website whenever these ads are clicked, helping improve the amount of traffic your website sees on a regular basis.

PPC ads are already a cost-effective way to market your business, seeing as you only need to pay for the amount of clicks your ads generate. Of course, things can always be better—and in this case, there are ways to get even more out of your ads.

The Worst Mistakes Made in Marketing

Brand marketing in itself isn’t exactly rocket science, but even the most experienced marketers on board still commit the worst mistakes possible. Once they do, then another business opportunity vanishes into thin air. Here are some of the worst.

Detached messaging – Marketers still have the tendency to focus on what they believe are the most important and note-worthy values their product or service has. However, doing this essentially drives customers away, sometimes even for good. Customer values must always be put forth and communicated effectively. Continue reading →

3 Tips for Working with Brand Optimization Specialists in Honolulu

It is important for a client to captain their brand optimization and set their expectations and goals. However, being a captain doesn’t mean a client needs to take the wheel and steer at all times.

For example, when working with specialist website brand builders in Honolulu, client feedback is important to giving the website design project direction. Giving the experts the freedom to do what they are best at, however, minimizes the chance that the project’s original intentions might get derailed.

Putting Your Best (Digital) Foot Forward

The success of a company’s brand online relies on how well it is represented. Through its website, its online presence in social media, and the way it is perceived by the market, managing a company’s image can mean the difference between sinking and swimming in any industry. In short, it is important to put one’s best foot forward. Continue reading →

No Brand Name Doesn’t Mean No Brand

Generic drugs refer to medications that don’t carry any brand name. They’re referred to by the generic name in the box, which is the name of the primary drug. Acetaminophen is to Tylenol, ibuprofen is to Advil, and amoxicillin is to Maalox. It’s pretty interesting how pharmaceutical firms come up with catchy brand names, but that’s a story for another time.

If you’ll look at this from a marketing point of view, however, the lack of a brand name doesn’t imply a lack of branding. In a way, a generic drug’s brand name can be traced to the name of the pharmaceutical who made it. Contact information about the drug company is a requirement as far as FDA standards are concerned. Continue reading →

Honolulu Brand Marketing Strategy: Lessons from a Bucket of Cold Water

To leave a significant impact, a Honolulu brand marketing strategy must be attuned to current events. Marketing expert David Meerman Scott calls this “newsjacking” and believes it has enough potential to make a campaign succeed when done right. For instance, what’s going on in Hawaii right now? What’s the latest from the mainland?

Upon identifying relevant developments, one must then utilize the appropriate marketing tools and strategies to boost brand exposure. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, where the advertiser only pays for ads every time a user clicks on the links, is one such technique. Put simply, related paid content will show up on the search results for each query on a trending topic (e.g. ice bucket challenge).

Honolulu Brand Optimization Specialists Can Get You Started Right

Businesses these days can hardly do without effective online marketing if they are to establish a meaningful online presence at all. You don’t need just a plain, simple site that tells nothing more than the basic facts about your firm. You want a carefully designed marketing plan, such as the more integrated marketing approach of Honolulu brand optimization specialists like Kalapana Enterprises.

The services offered by such a company include everything that you’ll need to launch your promotional projects online. Michael Cohn for Business 2 Community introduces the various components of an online marketing campaign, starting with search engine optimization: